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Frotan Services

Our transportation division offers reliable and efficient solutions for all your transportation needs.

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Export Used Car

Auto Parts

Child Care

Handmade Goods

Trusted experience

since 1991..

Our transportation division offers reliable and efficient solutions for all your transportation needs. Whether you're shipping goods domestically or internationally.



Our team has a wealth of experience in managing every aspect of the supply chain, from procurement to distribution. We use advanced technology to optimize each.



Our team has a wealth of experience in managing every aspect of the supply chain, from procurement to distribution. We use advanced technology to optimize each.

Exporting Used Cars from Japan to Afghanistan, Dubai, and Africa

Exporting Used Cars from Japan to Afghanistan, Dubai, and Africa

Exporting Used Cars from Japan to Afghanistan, Dubai, and Africa

About Company

Connecting the World Through Business At Frotan Global, we specialize in diverse industries across multiple countries, including Japan, the USA, Afghanistan, Dubai, and Africa. Our mission is to bridge businesses across borders, offering top-quality services and products while ensuring reliability, customer satisfaction, and global expansion.

Main office

Kabul Afghanistan

Branch office

Herat Afghanistan